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Through my continuing practice of yoga and meditation, I have come to a deeper relationship with my breath, as a pathway to insight and peace. Focussing on the breath allows one to quiet the mind and be in the present moment.

Breathe: Projects


Ceramic, oxides, paint     
2' x 8' x 8',  2006
In the practice of yoga, Ujjayi breathing is used to assist in creating heat and concentration. The sound can resemble waves approaching  and leaving the shores. The blue ceramic forms, suspended in air, move as do their shadows, which mimic Sanskrit calligraphy being created.


Soil, rocks, organic matter     
3"' x 12' x 10', 2006
Samadhi is a meditative state where the mind becomes still.In honoring the tradition of Tibetan sand mandalas, this drawing was swept up and deposited into a stream, next to where the materials were first gathered.


Branches, thread, paint

11' x 20' x 5', 2006

Vinyasa is a flowing movement of yogic postures with an emphasis on breathing. The suspended forms continually flow, along with their shadows.


Paper, paint, graphite
11' x 16' x 6", 2006
Chakrasana is the Sanskrit word for wheel.Miniature paintings of wheels and yogic backbending postures are suspended in air.


Charcoal, paper, soil, pine needles, photos
8' x 2' x 2", 2006
Ahimsa is the Sanskrit word for non-violence. Images of women and children from various ethnicities peer through.

Breathe, MA Exhibition, 2006, Stephen F. Austin State University, Nacogdoches, Texas

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